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Duck User Guide

Duck is a Fall Guys themed Task Management Application that keeps track of the things that you need to do. It supports attaching dates to tasks, so you can keep track of deadlines or events and even sort them by date to keep your priorities straight!


Duck Screenshot


Duck supports the following features:

  1. Creating a task

  2. Viewing your tasks

  3. Finding a task

  4. Sorting tasks by date

  5. Completing a task

  6. Deleting a task

  7. Exiting the program

Creating a task

Tasks in Duck are categorized into three types, Todos, Deadlines and Events. All tasks take in a description and can be marked as completed.


todo DESCRIPTION - Creates a todo task with the description

A Todo is a simple task that allows you to provide a description of a task.


Example of usage:

todo read a book

Expected outcome:

Todo is created


deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE - Creates a deadline task with the description and date specified

A Deadline is another variation of a task that allows you to provide an additional date field which represents the date this task must be completed by.

DESCRIPTION - String DATE - String in format “YYYY-MM-DD”

Example of usage:

deadline return book /by 2020-09-09

Expected outcome:

Deadline is created with a date field


event DESCRIPTION /at DATE - Creates an event task with the description and date specified

An Event is another variation of a task that allows you to provide an additional date field which represents the date this task must be completed by. The distinction with Deadline is only semantic and can be used interchangeably.

DESCRIPTION - String DATE - String in format “YYYY-MM-DD”

Example of usage:

event team meeting /at 2020-09-09

Expected outcome:

Event is created with a date field

Viewing your tasks

list - Lists all created tasks so far

This command allows you to view the statuses of all your created tasks so far. This also provides the indexing of your tasks required for other commands like delete and done.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Tasks are listed with their index, “done” status, description and date if present.

Finding a task

find SUBSTRING - Lists tasks that contain SUBSTRING

This command allows you to filter your tasks based on the substring provided.

SUBSTRING - Tasks containing this substring will be returned

Example of usage:

find book

Expected outcome:

Tasks with the substring book in their description will be returned.

Sorting tasks by date

due [/by | /at DATE] - Sorts tasks by their upcoming date

This command allows you to view your tasks in the order of their dates. Tasks without dates like Todos will not be shown.

[DATE] - Optional field if provided, will not return tasks equal to or greater than this date.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Returns tasks in ascending dates

due /by 2020-09-19

Expected outcome:

Returns tasks in ascending dates up until 19 September 2020

Completing a task

done INDEX - Mark the task at INDEX as done

The tasks specified by INDEX will be marked as done and a checkmark will appear next to the task.

INDEX - Index of the task as obtained by list

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Tasks with the index 1 as shown in list will be marked as done

Deleting a task

delete INDEX - Deletes the task at INDEX

The tasks specified by INDEX will be deleted.

INDEX - Index of the task as obtained by list

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Tasks with the index 1 as shown in list will be deleted

Exiting the program

bye - Gracefully exits the program

The program will exit and conduct a final save of the tasks. Tasks will also be automatically saved on change and this is merely a precaution.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Program exits gracefully.